all postcodes in WV5 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV5 9AB 10 0 52.542242 -2.191419
WV5 9AD 16 0 52.542102 -2.189222
WV5 9AE 6 0 52.543088 -2.190936
WV5 9AG 9 0 52.541856 -2.191049
WV5 9AH 32 0 52.541264 -2.190516
WV5 9AJ 37 0 52.540615 -2.189254
WV5 9AL 10 0 52.541455 -2.189012
WV5 9AN 22 0 52.542866 -2.188856
WV5 9AP 18 0 52.545122 -2.189294
WV5 9AR 10 0 52.546145 -2.190478
WV5 9AS 29 0 52.545155 -2.19099
WV5 9AT 10 0 52.546251 -2.191894
WV5 9AU 1 0 52.545676 -2.191567
WV5 9AW 36 0 52.543784 -2.188329
WV5 9AX 9 0 52.545414 -2.192052
WV5 9AY 5 0 52.545029 -2.19152
WV5 9AZ 12 0 52.544407 -2.192137
WV5 9BA 1 0 52.544058 -2.191206
WV5 9BB 20 0 52.543501 -2.191174
WV5 9BD 12 0 52.543898 -2.190055